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I want to emphasize that there is an incredible cost to the enterprise due to misalignment and miscommunication among the leaders and teams, which erodes shareholder value and business results. The Trimergence system gets everyone aligned so you hit the ground running in full execution mode. What can be a better use of time than to ensure that your executive team and your leadership team are all in line to maximize shareholder value creation?
Niki Leondakis
People from the outside just couldn’t figure out what we were doing and what this “magical” process was. This included investors, shareholders, and new leaders that were joining the organization. People would ask “what is this secret sauce? what is going on here, there is something magical happening here.” It was the Trimergence secret sauce that was helping us to maximize our humanity in action, connect with our best selves, our highest selves, which led to this magic in action. People still...
Tomer Shoval
From red alert to best in class… the work with Trimergence was the best thing we have done to invest in our team. They partnered with us at a critical time when we needed to refresh the DNA and the culture of the company. The impact is an extraordinarily motivated, loyal, and excited workforce.
Teresa Roche
I don't know of any company that can say they elevated two CEOs and their teams to lead the new companies from within as a result of a split. I see this as a real testimony, and I see the direct line of sight of this amazing success to our work with Trimergence to help achieve that goal. It's an unbelievable story.
Greg O’Connor
Trimergence really helped me develop my team. The Self-Insight Program and Conflict to Creativity system helped my team of younger leaders develop themselves quickly in a situation where the company was growing very fast and they had to take on a lot more responsibility.
Nat Natarajan
As I’ve moved from company to company during my career, the Trimergence work has helped me accelerate my onboarding process and increase my probability of success in each opportunity. This is especially important in those companies with very particular cultures and leadership styles.
Roy Latka
At the time we started with Trimergence we were deeply involved with transition and needed to have talent to pass on the baton to the next generation. That’s why we made the investment with Trimergence—it was worth that investment.
Steve Crusenberry
What has been powerful in the teamwork we have done with Trimergence is helping the team map their interactions with each other, and to bring our team to a high level of camaraderie. This is a valuable asset that we have learned in our work with Trimergence. Trimergence helped our team deliver a higher level of output and have a tremendous amount of fun doing it.
Mike Depatie
We really wanted the employees to connect with our customers, but to do that they had to connect with themselves. The Trimergence Self-Insight Program helped them do that. Through the Self-Insight Program, each person became a better version of themselves. This investment represented the core Kimpton belief that came from Bill Kimpton: When you grow the people, you grow the enterprise.