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Industry: Technology

Mike McMullen

The Trimergence programs are an investment, not a cost. Trimergence is not at the expense of revenue and profit, it’s enabling revenue and profit. The Trimergence work is all about shareholder value creation.

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Mike McMullen

The Trimergence Relationship Synchronizing process is the cornerstone and represents the key milestone event from the Trimergence Self-Insight Program. I always have the same takeaway: It all starts with yourself. You learn invaluable insights about yourself and your Synch partner that strengthens and further builds that working relationship… [which] activates a multiplier effect that also strengthens the relationships among the broader leadership teams.

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Mike McMullen

If you look at the revenue and profit growth, and the resulting market capitalization of Agilent and Keysight today versus 2014 there is no doubt of the success in terms of shareholder value creation that has occurred from the split of the original company lead by our two internal candidates.

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Mike McMullen

I want to emphasize that there is an incredible cost to the enterprise due to misalignment and miscommunication among the leaders and teams, which erodes shareholder value and business results. The Trimergence system gets everyone aligned so you hit the ground running in full execution mode. What can be a better use of time than to ensure that your executive team and your leadership team are all in line to maximize shareholder value creation?

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Teresa Roche

As a result of these Relationship Synchronizing sessions I have so many colleagues around the world, and in so many countries, tell me what a profound, and life-changing experience it has been going through the Trimergence work, which included Relationship Synchronizing. They say this work is not only transformational at work, but also in their personal lives.

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Teresa Roche

We also took Relationship Synchronizing into the team environment, called Team Synchronizing. The Trimergence team facilitated these events which were unbelievable because the team was able to share their thoughts and input in a way that was extremely helpful to everyone because we had such a safe environment with the Kernel Insights tool and Trimergence facilitation.

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Teresa Roche

We built a scorecard of how our culture and leadership had grown and how our employees felt about their leaders both with internal surveys as well as metrics of customer satisfaction and loyalty I saw this in my performance evaluations as CLO that reviewed how my team did and specifically how our investment with Trimergence really helped accelerate the overall value of Agilent.

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Teresa Roche

When I came to Agilent Technologies as CLO, I immediately saw the possibility to bring Trimergence in to bring the Self-Insight Program to the team. Luckily by that time Ward, as the founder, had found amazing talent to join him at Trimergence, so he could scale with a multi-national public company like Agilent. Eventually we had all of our global executives, which was over 100 people, and many of their direct reports and emerging leaders participate in the Self-Insight Program.

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Teresa Roche

I don't know of any company that can say they elevated two CEOs and their teams to lead the new companies from within as a result of a split. I see this as a real testimony, and I see the direct line of sight of this amazing success to our work with Trimergence to help achieve that goal. It's an unbelievable story.

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Greg O’Connor

People who went through Conflict to Creativity and the other Trimergence programs would often come to me and tell me how valuable their experience was from that investment. They were super satisfied and felt the tools and technologies really helped them.

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