In our first meeting, we talked about climbing Mt. Everest as an arduous journey akin to climbing the corporate ladder. You are tied to your team below and to the boss at the top. The weather patterns and conditions change all the time, and your ability to navigate all that change is your degerminator of success or failure, whether you get blown off the mountain or stay on it.
The Trimergence tools are simple and easy to understand, they help you focus on grounding yourself first. The tools help you focus on the need to understand your own challenges, your own strength and your own state of being. Once you are grounded it is easier to navigate whatever the conditions , political challenges and leadership issues might be.
Trimergence has great tools, based on a lot of wisdom, and the tools are grounded in day to day language. Trimergence tools don’t require you to spend time refreshing in order to use.
I’ve learned that through the fog of uncertainty, focusing on yourself gives you the best chance for success. What the Trimergence work and tools have done for me is to give me that clarity in times of uncertain future.
Here’s the value of my last five years investment in Trimergence: If I did not have the ongoing support of Trimergence it would have cost the company and me millions of dollars of lost value and lost future potential.
As I’ve moved from company to company during my career, the Trimergence work has helped me accelerate my onboarding process and increase my probability of success in each opportunity. This is especially important in those companies with very particular cultures and leadership styles.
Another value of the Trimergence work is onboarding my new team as I have navigated joining different companies. The Trimergence work has made it easier for me to create an open, authentic and trusting relationship with my new team because I am clear about who I am, what my challenges and strengths are, and how the team can compliment me.
If you are looking for great, easy to use and learn tools, and wisdom I would highly recommend Trimergence.
It has been critical to have had an advisor who has seen you and worked with you over a long period of time. I have worked with many who come with a point solution, do a 360, get some feedback from stakeholders, usually not positive, and then work with a coach. That works fine, and I’ve used that point solution a few times. But I have found it far more valuable to work with a company like Trimergence where you do the deep self-insight work in the beginning to find out who you are. Then, as situations change, because of the deep initial self-awareness upgrade it is much easier to navigate the new situations together as opposed to restarting cold with a tactical solution when you have a challenge or issue.
Longevity with a single company, a single set of tools and a single advisor has helped me navigate challenges fairly quickly. One can navigate these situations with a new person, but it takes a long time to get up to speed with understanding, trust, and new tool sets. The longevity of my engagement with Trimergence, and my approach to invest in people, has been the hallmark in new situations of me regularly hitting the ground fast, and getting up to speed quickly.
The Trimergence tool sets have been really enlightening for me. For example, Nine Doors gives you a fast and accurate assessment of who you are and who your stakeholders are. It is a very rich toolset, which I use in a variety of situations. If I encounter a new person I can go back to the tool and determine my approach of how to improve my interaction with them. The Trimergence tool that I use most frequently in areas of conflict and challenge is Conflict to Creativity. I can effectively address that situation of conflict and quickly drive to a creative solution and outcome. I use this tool all the time. It serves as a really good mental model to use in those tough situations where you have to really be effective in order to be successful.
Trimergence has really helped me get accurate insight before I take action. This has been hugely helpful to me as a more impulsive fast action person.
Most helpful of all the Trimergence programs is the Self-Insight Program because it gave me a precise and deeply accurate view into myself. The insights from the program provide the assessment of how I lead which gives me the confidence to lead. That program is not only about who you are as a person, but also focuses on your gifts and challenges and your triggers. This helps you identify them so you can manage them as they naturally manifest themselves in your daily life.